Glow in the Dark Toilet Roll
Looks like toilet roll, feels like toilet roll!
Regular toilet roll – that glows!
Never lose the loo roll in the dark again!
Perfect for power-cuts!
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Looks like toilet roll, feels like toilet roll - you can even use it like toilet roll - but there's one major difference: this is Glow in the Dark Toilet Roll! Well, when you gotta glow, you gotta glow… Why would you need this stuff? Apart from the novelty aspect, it does have some practical applications, such as finding the all-important roll, in the dark. Perhaps there's been a power cut or perhaps you don't want to alert the rest of the house to your loo visit, by turning all the lights on. Camping trips are another good example: rather than rooting around in the dark, looking for the blessed stuff, you'll know exactly where it is! Glow in the Dark Toilet Roll contains non-toxic phosphors that soak up light, to emit a soft, green glow in the darkness. You can flush it, use it even make a glow in the dark Mummy costume out of it! And it'll glow for hours! · Non-toxic, glowing toilet roll · Expose to light to charge up · Glows for hours
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